Thursday, May 11, 2017

Hartwick Pines State Park, MI: 5-10-17

From the farmhouses on the Great Plains to the railroad ties that crisscross the prairies, America's expansion in the early 19th Century was largely built of White Pine from Michigan's northern forests.  One of the few stands of tall timber unfilled exists here.  The tall 150 foot pines in the 49 acre virgin forest are estimated to be around 350 years old.  

Ruffed Grouse, Gray Adult
A ground-dwelling game bird whose name comes from special feathers on the neck which are raised into a prominent ruff when the bird is excited.
A new bird for this trip.

Red Squirrel

Our Tick Checks each night have so far been negative

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Hard to believe that this was the first one we'd seen on this trip.

Handsome Male Evening Grosbeak

These birds devour surprising quantities of raw salt.

Beautiful Female Evening Grosbeak

They have been observed eating almost 100 sunflower seeds in 5 minutes.

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