Thursday, May 4, 2017

White-throated Sparrow at Magee Marsh Bird Trail, Ohio: 5-3-17

White-throated Sparrow
Dark rufous on wings and back: Thanks Walt Anderson!

This sparrow comes in two color forms: white-crowned (next photo) or, like this one, tan-crowned.  The two forms are genetically determined, and they persist because individuals almost always mate with a bird of the opposite morph.  Males of both color types prefer females with white stripes, but both kinds of females prefer tan-striped males.



They breed very far north! Brrr!!

They typically nest on or near the ground.  Occasional nests are built up to 15 feet off the ground in conifers but usually these nests are second attempts after a pair has had a ground nest robbed by a predator.

This is MY spot!!!

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