Saturday, May 6, 2017

Friday, Cinco de Mayo: Point Pelee National Park, Ontario Canada

Needless to say, we've had lots of rain!

Mama Robin on her nest
 Notice the piece of paper she incorporated into the nest's construction

Interesting tree- Medusa

The Swamp

Basswood Trees are favorites of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers whose horizontally-patterned drill holes are evident.

Handsome Male Barn Swallow

Feeding on insects low near the water to avoid the high winds.

Female Tree Swallow 

BirdMobile At Point Pelee NP


Park Rangers putting up Prothonotary Warbler nest boxes.

These warblers aren't here yet in nesting numbers but will arrive pretty soon on migration.

This picture is from Fanning Springs in Florida.  We just wanted to show you what these beautiful little guys look like.

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