Sunday, May 28, 2017

Terns on "Ternpike Road" as it's called in Horicon Marsh NWR, WI: 5-26-17

Both Forster's Terns and Black Terns are on Wisconsin's State Endangered Bird Lists.  The Black Tern is also a federal species of special concern.  Both species nest in colonies on the marsh and Horicon is one of the best remaining nesting locations in Wisconsin for both types of terns.

Forster's Terns

Common on the refuge and they nest here

They breed in marshes near Black Terns.

Forster's Tern is the only tern restricted almost entirely to North America throughout the year.

Black Terns

Also common and nesters here

These terns are very social.  They breed in loose colonies and usually forage, roost, and migrate in flocks of a few to more than 100, and occasionally up to tens of thousands!

The male performs a display flight where he carries a small fish or dragonfly in view of potential mates.

A female that accepts the invitation follows him to a perch where he feeds her the prize.

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