Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Magee Marsh, OH & Ottawa NWR

Eastern Whip-poor-will
These birds are active at night so we were VERY fortunate to find this one dozing on a log motionless during the day.  You're all probably heard this bird's calls over and over again during the night if you've been camping.  Actually the record is 1,088 calls in a row by a single bird, perhaps accounting for their species name, vociferous.

American Robin

Trumpeter Swans often use muskrat lodges for resting

Sometimes they will use the lodges for nesting.

Preening those beautiful feathers

Great Egrets

With green lores and nice long showy tail feathers showing their breeding finery.

The most common and essentially the only egret species here.

Various colorful fungi species

Handsome Male Common Grackle displaying for the ladies

and then singing to them!  Love is in the air!!

 Fishing Line (Tampa Bay Watch)

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